CSS Profile 101 - What you need to know

The CSS is an online application to determine eligibility for non-federal financial aid, which is administered by the College Board, creator of the SAT.  Unlike the FAFSA, covered in a previous article, the CSS Profile does cost $25 to send to your first school, and $16 per additional school. Therefore, it is important to check with your school to see if they require the CSS Profile.

The first difference is that the CSS Profile is an application for non-federal student aid. Institutions use this to determine the expected family contribution. This can be particularly useful for low income students.

The second difference is that the the CSS Profile takes a much more in depth look at a family’s finances. You can expect to find questions about medical expenses, as well as anything that may effect a parents income. Additional documents that may be required include anything from bank statements to your parents most recent tax returns. It is important to gather as much information as possible before completing the CSS Profile.

You can fill out the CSS Profile Here

You can find more differences between the CSS Profile and the FAFSA Here


FAFSA 101 - What you need to know